Rabu, 29 September 2010

class discussions

Discussions offer students a chance to express opinions and exchange information safely within the classroom. Talking about sexuality with students can be challenging because it is a subject that touches on our privacy and our vulnerability.


  • Helps build a positive classroom climate.
  • Leads to student interest in sexual health.
  • Results in students feeling more positive about themselves and the learning environment.


 1. Set up an atmosphere ensuring sensitivity during the activity.
  • Ensure ground rules that ensure respectful interactions during discussions are in place.
  • Introduce a topic for discussion that centers on material familiar to the students. Defining terms is an important first step.
 2.  Hold the discussion.
  • Encourage students to participate in the discussion by asking questions, making suggestions and expressing ideas.
  • Probe, prompt and redirect students to enhance the discussion.
 3.  Conclude the discussion.
  • Find consensus, a solution, clarification of insights gained, or a summary (preferably one provided by the students).


  • Introduce facts and refute inaccuracies and myths.
  • Be consistent with conventions such as hand raising and listening to the speaker. Some teachers find it helpful to use an object such as a talking stick.
  • Maintain students' integrity. Do not pressure students by implying they should know more than they already do. Respect what they do know, and expand upon that knowledge.
  • Use "wait time", the pause between asking a question and soliciting a response, to increase participation and improve the quality of student responses.
  • Use open-ended questions to encourage higher level thinking.
  • Remain conscious of your own values and reactions during the discussion. The teacher must model sensitivity and respect.

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